More than 2.3 million people have fled the war in North Kivu since 2022, most of whom are women and children. According to UNHCR, the city of Goma has taken in over 521,000 displaced people in 2023 for a city of about 1.6 million inhabitants. In Goma, 1 in 3 people is a war displaced person.

Despite the presence of international and local NGOs, humanitarian aid is extremely rare and often insufficient.

According to Radio Okapi, ten people died of hunger at the Rusayo 3 site in April 2024 alone. To survive, thousands of displaced women and children walk daily for miles to beg in the city of Goma. Displaced young girls even resort to selling their bodies, sometimes for as little as 1000 FC (about 0.5 USD).

Our Solution

The HODARI Fund aims to promote the empowerment and socioeconomic integration of women displaced by war, while restoring their dignity and resilience.

This fund, in the form of a revolving loan, enables these women to start income-generating activities. Distributed and repaid collectively, it strengthens cooperation and trust within the groups, thereby ensuring commitment to repayment obligations. A solidarity fund, sustained by weekly contributions, finances a community project of general interest each month.

Campaign Evolution

Fonds Hodari

Finished !


Soutien à nos bénévoles

Finished !



Bitcoin & Libertés

An Impressive Success Rate

Thanks to the commitment of the participants, the loan repayment rate reaches 97%, demonstrating their determination to succeed.

Bitcoin & Energy

Rapid Growth

Launched in February 2024 with only 12 women, the HODARI Fund quickly gained momentum. In just 4 months, 21 women now benefit from this support, propelled by repayments and mutual solidarity.

The Bitcoin Protocol

Food Autonomy

Displaced women gain food autonomy, a victory that benefits their entire household, thus strengthening family security and stability.

Bitcoin & Journalism

A Better Future for Children

Thanks to the HODARI Fund, 5 households have been able to send their children to school. Among them, two even obtained their high school diploma this year, opening doors to new opportunities for these young people.

Fund Growth

Bitcoin & Journalism

"Do not see a displaced persons camp merely as a disaster zone, but also as a production unit, a seedbed of hope, a beacon of dignity."

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